Tuesday, February 25, 2025

MD Black-Eye Susan Nominee #7 - Counting In Dog Years and Other Sassy Math Poems


Counting In Dog Years and Other Sassy Math Poems
By Betsy Franco

I don't think kids get enough poetry and this is the perfect book to solve that issue!  A lot of fun poems that kids can really relate to! From mice reproducing too much to baking to measuring time to describing fractions of you. Perfect for boys and girls!

MD Black-Eye Susan Nominee #6 - Yoshi and the Ocean: A Sea Turtle's Incredible Journey Home


Yoshi and the Ocean: A Sea Turtle's Incredible Journey Home
By Lindsay Moore

I'm not a huge fan of animal stories because they make me cry out of sadness or happiness. This was a bittersweet story and yes, it made me cry. Yoshi was found as a baby sea turtle in a fisherman's net. She was taken to an aquarium with scientists that knew how to raise a baby sea turtle. She made the aquarium her home for about 20 years until her release into the open sea. This is a true story that will bring tears of happiness for Yoshi's freedom and tears of sadness for all of the scientists who loved Yoshi and had to say goodbye. It Yoshi's story a read and then visit the link below!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

MD Black-Eye Susan Nominee #5 - I Want 100 Dogs


I Want 100 Dogs
By Stacy McAnulty

Such a cute story about a girl who wants 100 dogs! Her parents try and talk her out of it by using parent logic like what happens if they get sick or how will you walk them all!! With each thought, that 100 dogs dwindles down to 10. Will 10 win out? It's a lot better than 100! Find out the real motive behind this story and how both parties come out winning!

Friday, January 31, 2025

MD Black-Eye Susan Nominee #4 - Beneath


By Cori Doerrfeld

There are so many things that are beneath the surface that we don't see, but are important. The roots of a tree that gives it nutrients and life. A fox that hears a mouse underneath the ground. Beneath decomposing leaves is the beginning of life or protection of life. Beneath the crying child, may be a child who is hungry. Beneath the wrinkles of an older woman can be a lifetime of experiences. Beneath the stars can be us...family...friends...the things that truly matter. Beneath is a beautiful book of seeing things from a different angle and thinking on a deeper level that what is before you.

Friday, January 24, 2025

MD Black-Eye Susan Nominee #3 - The Sweetest Scoop


The Sweetest Scoop: Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Revolution
By Lisa Robinson

Do you love ice cream? There are a lot of you out there! What do you think about Ben and Jerry's? Would you like to how it all started? This book is amazing and takes the reader from the very beginning of Ben and Jerry's friendship to their massive ice cream empire! Follow up with a trip to their website for even more information and to visit the flavor graveyard.

Friday, January 17, 2025

MD Black-Eye Susan Book Nominees Number 2 - Once Upon A Book


Once Upon A Book
By Grace Lin and Kate Messner

Are you looking for something? Are searching for something? Then step into a book and you'll find it. The beautiful illustrations swirls with the words to make a story about what it means to read!

MD Black-Eye Susan Book Nominees Number 1 - A New Day


A New Day
By: Brad Meltzer

Sunday quit. So now what? The rest of the week needed to find another day so a flyer went out (with little pull tabs) and auditions were scheduled. From Caterday to Funday....everyone shared their ideas.

What happens when two tiny words can make someone go from sad or happy! Maybe we all just need to feel appreciated.